Training, Education and Programming

Diversity education and training targets anti-racism and anti-bias; promotes inclusive climate; engages restorative process for deep harm; supports adherence to best practices to mitigate the effects of bias and to deter discrimination; and ties workforce development to inclusive, just, and equitable practices and investment in equity outcomes.

Racial Equity Website

Launched July 2020, the Racial Equity website is a gathering place where we may ask difficult questions, seek out a community in dialogue, and find resources to learn and grow as we affirm our commitment to racial equity, systemic change, and shared fate.


Training Commons

This webpage portal includes information and resources about targets of diversity education and training, and campus-wide links to offices and programs that offer training. Consultation and facilitation requests for units, programs/departments, and organizations may also be submitted here. A campus study on trained facilitation capacity (faculty and staff) has also been conducted.


Faculty Search Committee Training and Consultation

There are now two university guides for faculty search committees that address best practices and recruitment for a diverse faculty. Responsibilities of Faculty Search Committees Serving in the Appointment of Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, and Professors and Recruiting Diverse Faculty: Search Handbook. To support best practices, the training for search committees will be delivered online and in an interactive briefing format with consultation available. Human resource data sources needed to sharpen recruitment for diverse applicant pools and evaluate searches are identified and integrated into the guidelines.

In Planning

Bias Education and Support Team

Led by the Division of Student Affairs, the UNCG’s Bias Education and Support Team offers a reporting process for students to document and address the impacts of bias-related incidents, behaviors, and actions. The Bias Team, a trained interdisciplinary, interdepartmental group, draws on restorative principles, appreciative inquiry, community conferencing, and other restoration-focused practices to guide students as they process the impacts of bias incidents. As a support initiative, it will not replace or subordinate any existing processes for reporting, investigating, or addressing acts of discrimination, harassment, concern, or violence. Learn more…


Mentoring, Faculty Success,
and Leadership Development Programs

Our ongoing commitment to an excellent and diverse faculty has yielded impressive results. To support retention, promotion and tenure, and a leadership pipeline for faculty from underrepresented groups, the Offices of the Chancellor and Provost will support four faculty and leadership development programs targeting stages of the career life cycle.

National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity

National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD) conducts a 12-week online faculty success program designed to develop skills to enhance research and writing productivity, as well as strategies for work-life balance. For early career faculty, this program includes an intensive mentoring and productivity boot camp. Participants also work with an NCFDD certified coach and a small group to apply the skills and strategies from the core curriculum. UNCG has been an institutional member of NCFDD since 2019. All faculty and graduate students may access its resources here.

To Learn More and Register Your Account, Click Here.



Spartan ADVANCEis a three-year National Science Foundation ADVANCE award to support the adaptation and implementation of proven organizational change strategies that support the recruitment, retention, and advancement of mid-career women and faculty of color in STEM fields. This initiative is led by Drs. Cerise Glenn, Ayesha Boyce, Shelly Brown-Jeffy, Julia Mendez and Malcolm Shug.


UNCG Faculty Leadership Program for Scholars of Color

UNCG Faculty Leadership Program for Scholars of Coloris a custom pilot program launched in partnership with the Center for Creative Leadership that focuses on mid-career to senior-level women of color. The program includes facilitated sessions, one-on-one executive coaching, personalized assessment, peer networking, and matching with an executive-level mentor at the conclusion of the program.


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